Weikeng Chen

Results 152 comments of Weikeng Chen

Can people change their primary account (setting one secondary account as the new primary)? This would be useful for researchers who use the school's email address but relocate to another...

@rozbb I found that curve25519-dalek's `4.0.0-pre.1` already has the new version of `rand`.

We can just move this one? https://github.com/FindoraNetwork/ark-bulletproofs-secq256k1/tree/main/src/curve/secp256k1 With the recent algebra library upgrade, this should be pretty easy. I just need a yes or no.

Let me double check---I suspect that 256 can fit curve25519 but not secp256k1.

The problem seems to be a decision between two choices: - panic when the divisor is zero - return none when the divisor is zero which one is better? what...

I checked the paper Section 6, page 11, https://eprint.iacr.org/2008/013.pdf, it said "if a is a square in k and d is a nonsquare in k." Should the second condition `assert!(a.sqrt().is_none());`...

@yelhousni @simonmasson @zhenfeizhang @asanso Do you think it would be possible to sample another Bandersnatch with d/a being a quadratic residue?

following up on the previous response from @yelhousni So, as long as we work on a prime-order subgroup, the issue is gone?

The `serialize-derive` repo is often used in a project by adding a dependency on `serialize` with the feature `derive`. https://github.com/arkworks-rs/algebra/blob/master/serialize/src/lib.rs#L19 This allows the Rust to derive the canonical serialization and...