
Results 7 comments of 吴伟城

> Theme切换建议配合 InheritedWidget 使用。 也遇到了主题相关的问题,我在创建 app 的时候指定了 theme 和 darkTheme,然后系统切换 dark mode 的时候,应用内部分 UI 能正常刷新,但是 list component 里面的 widget 不会刷新。


![CleanShot 2022-05-27 at 17 27 40](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17878528/170672311-bc7ce43f-7478-4681-931a-c9cee890397e.png)

My VSCode keyboard shortcuts settings: ![CleanShot 2022-05-27 at 17 29 35](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17878528/170672556-5f162526-f351-46e2-a837-238fd75983f6.png)

if your current dart version is 2.8.x, try this: ``` brew uninstall dart brew install https://github.com/dart-lang/homebrew-dart/blob/fed6de080aef54c4f1c1df732424df37cd3e5a3e/dart.rb ```

How about configing a separated dart env and aqueduct? Keep the dart installed by Homebrew, and download dart 2.7.2 SDK from https://dart.dev/tools/sdk/archive, then install aqueduct in dart 2.7.2.