Wei He

Results 126 comments of Wei He

I ran ```javascript const installationOctokit = new Octokit({ auth: { id, privateKey, installationId: 5701088, }, }); ``` and got 404. Tried with a good installation id had no issues 😃...

Another [example](https://github.com/pull-app/task-runner/runs/1054258100?check_suite_focus=true#step:2:13) 😃

I haven't gotten time to do it (just been ignoring the workflow failure emails). I can take a shot when I have some time~ 😜

Or people actually like your apps and don't uninstall it 😂

It seems like I haven't encountered this in the last many months so I have not spent any time on this : ) I'll put this in the back burner...

Customers can already specify `maxKeys` as a config option which gives them flexibility of returning less than 1000 records if desired, I say we don't automatically while loop over the...

@sammartinez :wave: Hi Sam, it is listed in _AWSJavaScriptSDK_ [docs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#listObjects-property) > Marker — (String) > Specifies the key to start with when listing objects in a bucket. > > MaxKeys...

Hi @promer94 thanks for the response and the examples above. However, like many above we would love to have the ability to load data from multiple requests as data comes...

We likely don't want to make this the default behavior as hard resets are destructive. You may be able to disable certain checks in your repo settings.