Jan Wedekind

Results 8 comments of Jan Wedekind

Same issues here (Jenkins 1.596).

Ok, I agree. But even when using `:refer` one gets warnings, because there are some clashes with `abs` inside `clojure.core.matrix`.

Maybe unlike `sin`, `cos`, ... which are in `clojure.core.math`, `abs` is now in Clojure's main namespace I believe.

I meant to say, one gets this warnings when requiring `clojure.core.matrix` even when using `:refer`.

Thanks for developing core.matrix btw. Really useful software! :+1:

You need to install the Arduino Makefile. It is installed using `sudo apt-get install arduino-mk`. It seems that you are using a Snap install (/snap/Arduino/41/Arduino). I hope that this does...

Tried to add a generated column using SQL. So I understand it is not supported yet in pyspark? ![generated](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28663/193299572-62b6fa93-861d-4082-9ac4-76e294d4578e.png)

Seems that `points.remaining()` is passed [here](https://github.com/LWJGL/lwjgl3/blob/de8bd8690b97ca41ae9377eec691d0e7c700cee7/modules/lwjgl/nuklear/src/generated/java/org/lwjgl/nuklear/Nuklear.java#L9062).