I made a scale animation test , you can visit https://codepen.io/echolove38/pen/oNEPKVE when I click 'start' button, the rect scale from 20% to 80%, when I click 'restore' button, restore the...
> NODE_ENV=dev webpack-dev-server --devtool eval --progress --colors --hot --con tent-base build 'NODE_ENV' ▒▒▒▒▒ڲ▒▒▒▒ⲿ▒▒▒Ҳ▒▒▒ǿ▒▒▒▒еij▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ļ▒▒▒ npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.1.7601 npm ERR! argv "D:\\soft\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\R oaming\\npm\\node_modules\\cnpm\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "--userconf ig=C:\\Users\\Administrator\\.cnpmrc" "--disturl=https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/ node" "--registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org" "run"...
can't run it ``` ERROR in ../node_modules/ngx-sortablejs/lib/sortablejs.directive.d.ts:25:17 - error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context. 25 private get options(); ~~~~~~~ ../node_modules/ngx-sortablejs/lib/sortablejs.directive.d.ts:26:17 - error TS1086: An accessor...
after unfilter I still can see the following code in the dom, so, how to remove these ? ``
how to set drop shadow color likes css box-shadow?
0|-----------------50-----------------500------------------2500------------------|20000 the line is divided into four, but step is different, how to realize this feature ?
at the beginning , I use the 'rn-pdf-reader-js' library, the apk size is 50M, now I use react-native-pdf to view pdf, the apk size is 64M, why is so big
I found, the first time to load pdf is too slow, when the pdf is big. so Is there any way to load one page quikly , rather than wating...