Jeff Martin
Jeff Martin
I am upgrading PHP71 to PHP74 or PHP80. So I am running PHP_CodeSniffer-3.6.1 and PHPCompatibility-9.3.5 to test for issues. Following are the errors and warnings reported. /authorizenet/lib/net/authorize/api/contract/v1/TransactionRequestType/UserFieldsAType.php 104 32 error...
Tried this without success... window.reader = ePubReader("my.epub”, { 'restore': true, 'sidebarReflow': true, ‘spread’: ‘none’ } ); My ePub is here
Hello and thanks for Futurepress. I use this wonderful tool on my Bible website. One improvement I would like to make. When the index is open the panel expands on...
I am trying to build a lighter weight solution using simple files for request result storage using PHP SOAP. Anyone on this project available for premium consult?
Running "pip3 install pdfCropMargins" and getting the error "No matching distribution found for pillow>=10.1.0"