Hi! The code below ``` let block = client .query("SELECT * FROM demo LIMIT 1") .fetch_all() .await?; ``` causes error if table contains column with type `Nullable(DateTime('Europe/Moscow'))`: ``` Error: Io(Custom...
Russian.strftime(Time.now, '«%d» %B %Y г.') causes error in ruby 3+: ``` gems/i18n-1.12.0/lib/i18n.rb:304:in `localize': wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1) (ArgumentError) gems/russian-0.6.0/lib/russian.rb:50:in `localize' gems/russian-0.6.0/lib/russian.rb:56:in `strftime' ```
I placed section ``` unless Mix.env() == :prod do Envy.auto_load() end ``` to `lib/app/application.ex` and it does not work (I have `System.get_env("DB_USER", "postgres")` in `config/dev.exs`)