@muaz-khan Hi , i am facing problem when i have more than 4 users it freezes periodically when i have more than 4 users even on same pc and same...
Dear Khan , i am trying to fix some problem in this library and i need your assisting. right now when the 6th or 7th user join the video call...
@grimace @killmenot @muaz-khan @dansandland @Yuripetusko why the connection is always closed after some minutes? please dont suggest to close the socket and join again because this is not a proper...
@muaz-khan i am trying to join the video call anonymously then share camera and mic but i could not success while it is working good in case connection.join(roomid); please let...
Hi, the conference video call work fine till the 6th user join then it show the following error: setremotedescription failed in stable ........................... then black screen appear on some users...
closing socket is making problem does anyone have alternative solution?
@grimace @killmenot @muaz-khan @dansandland @Yuripetusko Hi, i am using many to many conference video call and it work fine till 6 users but when the 7 user join it show...
@grimace @killmenot @muaz-khan @dansandland @Yuripetusko Hi , i like to know how this library connect peers when someone join a conference video call which file in the library and which...
Hi , i am receiving the following error when a conference video call start event with just 2 people at the point when the video call start . error :...
@grimace @killmenot @muaz-khan @dansandland @Yuripetusko Hi , i like to know if we can use this library to stream and share screen on youtube like OBS software do let me...