I checked our aggr_5min table. For H the earliest date the data got aggregated was 01/10/2014. The date_start for H with bt_id 5009 which I assume is detector installed date...
@radumas Please check the excel sheet. I will finalize it after your reveiw. [BT_detectors_Inventory_for_review.xlsx](https://github.com/CityofToronto/bdit_data-sources/files/5189453/BT_detectors_Inventory_for_review.xlsx)
```mohan.bt_segments_new``` is created **Steps followed** 1. Tabulate all bluetooth nodes that are missing segments. 2. Used the same sql created earlier except that ``` pgr_dijkstra('SELECT id, source, target, cost FROM...
The problem of routing through geostatistical line is corrected. > The segments in `mohan.bt_segments_newest` looks good! Can you post the sql in the comment? ``` CREATE table mohan.bt_segments_new AS (...
> I think the only segment that needs to be drawn will be the new Bloor routes. > > * [x] Check that all the "missing segments" in `mohan.missing_segments` are...
[online_offline_readers.pdf](https://github.com/CityofToronto/bdit_data-sources/files/6701603/online_offline_readers.pdf) This is the map of readers and routes online and offline status showing intersections names.
[online_offline_readers_bt_id.pdf](https://github.com/CityofToronto/bdit_data-sources/files/6701622/online_offline_readers_bt_id.pdf) This is the map of readers and routes online and offline status showing the four digit zones that could be more handy for JJ(bliptrack)
The start_route_point_id is not unique to a detector. Neither is the end_route_point_id. They are unique for a particular route instead. analysis_id | report_id | route_id | route_name | start_route_point_id |...