statannot copied to clipboard
add statistical annotations (pvalue significance) on an existing boxplot generated by seaborn boxplot
I find a ValueError when using the Wilcoxon Test like saying that the samples don't have the equal length. ``` add_stat_annotation(ax, data=df_plot, x='Features', y='Values', hue='Condition', box_pairs=[(('Valence', 'Pre'), ('Valence', 'Post')), (('Arousal',...
The previous code only functioned for vertical plots, I added an option for horizontal plots. Some information is presented better in horizontal plots over verticle. ### How it works I...
Raise a more descriptive error message by reporting the erroneous box name and available box names.
I've added a more descriptive error message by reporting the erroneous box, and which ones are available allowing for faster troubleshooting. Thanks for this nice library!
Hi! I am attempting to use add_stat_annotation to add t-test statistics for group differences to a bar plot, but keep getting 'nan' for the returned p and t values. I...
In the current implementation, in the case of a barplot, the y positions are computed based on the real data points. This makes sense in the case of the boxplot,...
There is a crash when trying to plot annotations for a barplot in `statannot-0.2.3` and `seaborn-0.10.0`. Consider the following code: ```python import numpy as np import pandas as pd import...
I added Anova test.
I'm getting this error when trying to add statistical annotation on a boxplot This happens with both code that worked a couple of weeks ago and the example case at...
When I subset a pandas df with .isin() and I submit this to `add_stat_annotation(ax[0,0], data=SubsetDf, x=x, y=y, hue=hue, box_pairs=box_pairs, perform_stat_test=False, pvalues=SubsetDf["P-val"], text_annot_custom=SubsetDf["Text"], loc='inside', order=order, verbose=0)` I get the TypeError: unhashable...
When I tried to use `add_state_annotation()` to a barplot, I get the following error: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 63, in result_plot add_stat_annotation(ax, plot="barplot", data=df, File...