Webber Wang

Results 15 issues of Webber Wang

Great package for yarn workspaces, but I had some issues with ES6 import. I ended up cleaning up & updating the codebase a bit. Let me know if I should...

Can we do something like ``` pattern: '/page?action=create' ``` as opposed to ``` pattern: '/page/create` ``` because modals should be a child of the parent component in order to keep...

First off, very cool library. Codebase only 7 files! I've tried the `includeNpm: true` option but isn't picking up yarn workspace packages. I've used both the yarn workspace, & the...


Images can be copy and pasted within the same note, but not across notes. Text can be copy pasted across different notes however.

```typescript import { Assign } from 'utility-types'; type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean }; type NewProps = { age: string; other: string }; // Expect: {...

Currently `forwardTo()` doesn't let us omit the resolvers, and as you can see it's quite a bit of boilerplate still. ```javascript export default { Query: { user: forwardTo('db'), users: forwardTo('db'),...

The controller stops working if I use the routes handler. I'm also unable to access `useRouter().query` from `next/router` if I'm using routing with controller


Is there a possibility to make this package an ESLint plugin or rule?

Would be nice to be able to map multiple templatization parameters

If the word is in the middle of a camelCase or CamelCase, it doesn't get replaced. ![containers_test_txt_ejs_t_ _uib__workspace_](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26264925/50132048-ed59fd80-0239-11e9-929b-1d74c74647b5.png) I think a cli option to add an optional regex pattern before...