Hossain Khan
Hossain Khan
Hi @jwhitcraft, I am involved with a project where we are planning to use this gem with a giant Sidekiqswarm setup. @gtan66 is mainly working with it. Our planning is...
hi @Netherdrake i think you have to keep options under `:authorize_params` here is an example - ``` ruby config.omniauth :youtube, config_hash[Rails.env]['client_id'], config_hash[Rails.env]['secret'], authorize_params: { access_type: 'offline', approval_prompt: 'force' } ```
Sounds good :) Sent from my iPad On Mar 4, 2013, at 7:52 PM, Netherdrake [email protected] wrote: > @we4tech Yes, that is correct. > > But I have a bit...
Hi @iainbeeston Let me know if I could be any of your help?