Yang Yang
Yang Yang
Thanks for the update! I've tried sqlite-gui.1.7.7-x64-inja.zip but 4 spaces are always added despite the caret position.
The indentation logic may be incomplete. Please see my screen recording below. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/863369/185736545-dc8bced2-afee-4109-ab4b-213a1d4f5c26.mp4
Yes, that's correct. A Tab key should always move the caret to a "Tab position", i.e. column 4n + 1 (or 8n+1, 2n+1, depending on the setting). All text editors...
Please consider adding a `-PinApplication` option, which accepts multiple arguments or can be used multiple times. I have several applications to "always share" across all desktops, and it's boring to...
Regarding to the defaults, why not make it explicit with an extra context menu item of "Add to xyz.7z (zstd)"? I mean, many users (me included) just want a drop-in...
> CFF font subsetting is unfortunately rather complicated. I agree. Just for the record, it took [over a year](https://www.princexml.com/forum/topic/4653/pdf-with-otf-subsetting-is-still-too-large) for PrinceXML to implement good CFF subsetting. And for Affinity Designer,...
As a side note, the [arena proposal](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/51317) to be implemented in Go v1.20 may help to improve the runtime performance.
Thank you! Great work!
Is it possible to add a command-line option for this feature?
Duplicate of #1559 and already fixed. I wish a new release just for this fix could be published, because the updates are piling up quickly. Update: My current workaround is...