Will Douglas

Results 40 comments of Will Douglas

🤔 I suppose one option would be to just ignore cases where a redux-saga effect is returned from a non-generator function and just say that we don't know where the...

For someone that is using TypeScript and the @typescript-eslint configuration, I wonder if you could use the type information to more thoroughly test for proper usage (as [this note suggests](https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint#can-we-write-rules-which-leverage-type-information)...

I'm not sure if this is actually possible, or even if it was possible if it would be worthwhile, but in theory, you might be able to use the type...

Here's a codesandbox to play around with: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-sortablejs-forked-oprbs?file=/src/index.js I haven't been able to reproduce all the issues yet, but I've seen a few.

Example 1 (Recorded on Chrome): ![](http://g.recordit.co/EJRPISVKBF.gif)

Example 2 (Recorded on Firefox): ![](http://g.recordit.co/1bk00oAmHu.gif) Error when dropping the element that should have already been removed. I didn't record it, but in this case, the element remains behind in...

Example 3 (Recorded on Firefox): ![](http://g.recordit.co/bIoDB4nGkg.gif) Unfortunately, I didn't capture the second error here, but the same issue happened after closing that overlay where the element existed in the DOM...

**Update**: It turns out that at least some of these issues come from Sortablejs itself: https://github.com/SortableJS/sortablejs/issues/1943

Using `skipLibCheck` does allow it to run, but so does adding `Sortable` to the import in `dist/index.d.ts`, which is already importing other things from `sortablejs`. ```diff - import { MoveEvent,...

At first glance, it looks like it should already be included [here](https://github.com/SortableJS/react-sortablejs/blob/a104520cd1e8c8e51abbb0d885c0a6629e0d4e77/src/types.ts#L7). ❓