Walther Diechmann

Results 9 issues of Walther Diechmann

May I suggest .ex and .exs providing support for Elixir? ``` # ./lib/taskrr/repo.ex defmodule Taskrr.Repo do use Ecto.Repo, otp_app: :taskrr @doc """ Dynamically loads the repository url from the DATABASE_URL...


I'm running Rails 4.2.1 rake, version 10.4.2 Bundler version 1.10.5 ruby 2.1.2p95 (2014-05-08 revision 45877) [x86_64-darwin14.0] and I've added ``` //= require jquery-tmpl //= require_tree ./templates ``` to my Gem...

### Steps to reproduce Adding a second locale file to config/locales folder will have you start seeing `translation missing: en.capistrano.revision_log_message` in your deploy_to (using default) At least that's what I've...

I started out with the precompiled version - and realizing how well that worked for me, I admit to the 7 Deadly Sins, well perhaps not all of them on...

@matz I watched the Full Stack Fest 2015 on youTube just minutes ago and hurried to see what exciting things you are up to :) Perusing the examples got me...

DISCLAIMER: I may easily present this on its head - and still be wrong! The Tabs component may work 100% and I could be the culprit not finding my ways...

## What did you do? Followed the blog post -- almost verbatim I'd say ## What did you expect to happen? Not this for sure 😃 ## What actually happened?...


I kind'a stumbled on your project - and liked it instantly 😀 Now I'm moving a project from Sprockets, npm/yarn, to Propshaft, importmap - and I find myself not being...

If suggestions.length drop to that.limit - no suggestions are showed. Clearly unintentionally wrong - but I'm not sure what rendered does so my 'hack' is a comment on the increment...