
Results 22 comments of wdde

@zysuper 谢谢回复!我遵照这个内容做过修改,也就是usbports.kext的info.plist文件修改HS11的usb类型从255改为3,但没有变化,电源灯睡眠后再唤醒的呼吸状态不变。会是BIOS的问题吗?我现在的版本是1.32




@meng004 非常感谢你的回复! 重装是最好的,不过要大量的时间,备份和恢复数据也要比较长的时间,难以取舍。 看了一些文章,升级是不是成功取决于OC的素质,我觉得这方面应该不会遇到大问题。 zysuper的项目是很多后来项目的基石,无论如何,感谢zysuper,让我们能很完美的使用黑金塔

try https://github.com/acidanthera/VoodooPS2

Hi Zysuper, I can't get the MLB & ROM value from the current config.plist of clover, What is their correspondence?

thanks for your reply, I have already boot from OC, seems good, just two issue: 1. I noticed that my second NVME(970) ssd is gone(work with tuxera NTFS) 2. the...

by the way , can you update the readme.md of the project, it's still on clover.