Will Cornwell

Results 14 issues of Will Cornwell

## New term * Submitter: @wcornwell * Efficacy Justification (why is this term necessary?): Eusocial organisms not well captured by existing terms: lifestage and sex * Demand Justification (name at...

Term - add
Class - Occurrence
Process - need evidence for demand

Feels a bit counter-intuitive to me that the default for `github_release_versions` and `github_release_version_current` is `local = TRUE`. I think this is partly a function naming issue. If the function were...




Would be extra-useful for Asteraceae and Fabaceae and other big families. But not sure what the right source is to get this information for the whole set of global genera.



Possible resource to use here: http://bryology.uconn.edu/classification


probably should test at the last stage before it goes to the user to be safest.

> ref knitr::kable(dplyr::filter(ref,name=="CSIRO")) |name | decimalLongitude| decimalLatitude|city |country |address |source |type | geocoding.precision.m|geocoding.issue |geocoding.source | inside.ptoected.area.WDPAID| |:-----|----------------:|---------------:|:---------|:-------|:---------------------------------------------|:--------|:----|---------------------:|:---------------|:----------------|---------------------------:| |CSIRO | 150.5132| -23.3228|Atherton |AUS |Tropical Forest Research Centre, Maunds Road. |grbioorg |NA...

Hello, I had some code that seemed to be working with v1.0-6, but when I updated to v1.0-8, the model call returns an error. ```{r} model1