
Results 3 issues of wcollin

**Cluster information** k8s version:v1.22.10 kubevela version:v1.4.8 **To Reproduce** 1. add a new image registry in kubevela ui 2. use this as the image pull secret and publish app 3. update...

needs investigation

测试环境1台机器,安装1个tracker,1个group,2个storage 版本号:v6.0.7 问题描述:monitor查询时,group信息下只有1个storage,并且storage server count也是1。是不支持这样部署吗? storage_ids.conf配置如下: 100001 group1 100002 group1

### Host operating system: centos9 arm64 ### blackbox_exporter version: v0.25.0 ### What is the prometheus.yml scrape config. - job_name: 'blackbox-exporter' scheme: 'https' tls_config: ca_file: /etc/prometheus/certs/ca.crt cert_file: /etc/prometheus/certs/server.crt key_file: /etc/prometheus/certs/server.key insecure_skip_verify:...