Eric Ahn

Results 23 comments of Eric Ahn

@OllisGit maybe take advantage of the M118 gcode for SD card prints? So adding something like `M118 A1 spool:My Best Spool` to a gcode file before printing could signal the...

Better would be to replicate what OctoPrint-ActionCommandsPlugin is doing: The hook there lets you inspect serial input coming from the printer, which works well when you use M118 and...

@OllisGit do you mind if I take this feature? I need something to work on for Hacktoberfest and I just recently got a MMU2S so it'll be useful for me...

Actually, seems like `max_steps` parameter is no longer used.

What should the distribution of reticle size and spin be? Reticle size can probably be a slightly skewed normal distribution, but spin might be a little trickier. (Thinking of a...

Not quite what I meant here; for spin I meant something like Most players either choose to explicitly spin or not spin and often switch between the two, hence...

I recommend you use numpy for this instead of using built-in random.gauss. There was a bit of a discussion in the Slack regarding why.

Yes, but my reasoning is that spin is not actually a normal distribution; most people don't "halfway" spin if you know what I mean. Either they do or they don't,...