Walter C

Results 13 issues of Walter C

# Feature Request **Describe the Feature Request** when there are a large number of nodes, it is difficult to search, it would be good to have a search field and...


when doing base64 -d, if there is a part of the content wrong, for debugging we need to see the complete output. ``` echo "TG9yZW0gSXBzdW0gaXMgc2ltcGx5IGR1bW15IHRleHQgb2YgdGhlIHByaW50aW5nIGFuZ CB0eXBlc2V0dGluZyBpbmR1c3RyeS4gTG9yZW0gSXBzdW0gaGFzIGJlZW4gdGhlIGluZHVzdHJ5 J3Mgc3RhbmRhcmQgZHVtbXkgdGV4dCBldmVyIHNpbmNlIHRoZSAxNTAwcywgd2hlbiBhbiB1bmtu b3duIHByaW50ZXIgdG9vayBhIGdhbGxleSBvZiB0eXBlIGFuZCBzY3JhbWJsZWQgaXQgdG8gbWFr ZSBhIHR5cGUgc3BlY2ltZW4gYm9vay4gSXQgaGFzIHN1cnZpdmVkIG5vdCBvbmx5IGZpdmUgY2V udHVyaWVzLCBidXQgYWxzbyB0aGUgbGVhcCBpbnRvIGVsZWN0cm9uaWMgdHlwZXNldHRpbmc...

Hi, it seems you can't read tracks from .cue files ``` REM GENRE Rock REM DATE 1995 REM COMMENT "Miguel Mateos - Grandes Exitos" PERFORMER "Miguel Mateos" TITLE "Grandes Exitos"...

feature request

does not load the playlist from the cuesheet [cuesheet](


## Device information * Tachiyomi version: 0.10.15 * Android version: 9 * Device: J7 Pro ## Steps to reproduce 1. First step create the comic book with the version of...

Feature request
upstream issue

- **App Name:** UnReal World - **Icon Name:** urwicon-48 - **Description:** UnReal World is a unique low-fantasy roguelike game set in the far north during the late Iron-Age - **Webpage...

icon request

Hi, there is an error in the variable name field. ![image]( gtk3 a4056b4


### I've searched the issue list, there is no similar features. - [X] Yes ### If you have more than one feature, please open multiple issues to report respectively. -...

feature request

- **App Name:** SGF File Format - **Icon Name:** Smart Game Format - **Description:** Smart Game Format | SGF file for Go, Wéiqí, Badok - **Webpage (optional):** - **Original...

icon request

support for interactive books, attached epub reference and some screenshots ![image]( Screen Recoder [Video]( Epub [](
