Wil Carmon

Results 7 comments of Wil Carmon

Hey @komminen. Sure, I'm happy to contribute code. I wasn't sure if you wanted the change to your API or not.

Just a regular function. People can combine it with other functions like ``` var randomlyNullCity = faker.randomlyNull( faker.cities.name() ); ```

# Option-1 you might want to run a profiler to see where the bottleneck is. (eg. [visualVM](https://visualvm.github.io/), [yourkit](https://www.yourkit.com/), [jprofiler](https://www.ej-technologies.com/products/jprofiler/overview.html)) the problem could be `DateUtils.get8DateString`. if so, this ticket is in...

Happy new year :-) It will take me a few days to propose a clean refactoring for SpanDecorators. Thanks for releasing the changes I sent previously.

We gave up on that approach and just run linting directly to avoid any of these issues. On Apr 22, 2017 04:38, "Gábor Soós" wrote: > @wcarmon can you provide...