Is it possible to adjust the length of a tomato? Ideally, work lengths per project or tag would be nice, eg. 50 minutes for writing and 20 minutes for housekeeping....
From @pankajmore on [habitrpg](https://github.com/lefnire/habitrpg/issues/511): > I left my computer on and went to classes keeping a vice site open. When I returned , I got killed and I have to...
Problems: 1. The extension's tomatoes option was set to NOT punish for breaking pomodoro intervals 2. No tomato was being recorded. In one instance, a project was being edited, in...
I can use the following to toggle mute sound, but as far as I can tell, it won't check if the sound is already muted or not muted. > tell...
I tried to compile in Xcode (5?) for Mavericks but it failed with 20 issues including semantics, format string, lexical and deprecation issues.