Whitney Young

Results 94 comments of Whitney Young

Another issue that may have some relevant information is mapbox/node-sqlite3#93.

In theory, this is handled by the fact that the server is [launched & `unrefed`](https://github.com/wbyoung/babel-plugin-transform-postcss/blob/d90decb77d99aaab9c97b980b7b9f9c721fad670/src/plugin.js#L36). I run this via gulp in CI and it does run fine. Is there any...

@GreenGremlin from [the docs](https://nodejs.org/api/net.html#net_server_unref): > Calling `unref` on a server will allow the program to exit if this is the only active server in the event system. If the server...

Also, I'm not really doing much coding any more, so if one of you wants to take over maintaining this, let me know.

Ok, this looks good to me. Any docs that point to this being a requirement or is this just anecdotal? Can you find any docs for this requirement? Also, I'm...

Right, I know how signals work. I was curious about needing to stop the server. I'm surprised that this wouldn't have been something that I ran into originally. Any other...

Can you see if this is resolved if you run off of the branch for PR #2?

@FezVrasta an override option would be useful and was [suggested here](https://github.com/wbyoung/babel-plugin-transform-postcss/issues/12#issuecomment-291519081). PR welcome!

Yes, this looks correct. If you are having problems, maybe you could post a small example project to GitHub. You're missing an example `require`/`import` of a CSS file here, though,...

@Danetag I'm open to a PR to try to support that, but I don't personally use wepback, so I'm not sure where that makes its way into babel or other...