
Results 10 issues of wburningham

Go projects can leverage the "replace" directive in go.mod to swap an imported module for a local copy. Example [from the gomod-ref docs](https://go.dev/doc/modules/gomod-ref#replace): ``` replace example.com/othermodule => ../othermodule ``` This...

**What is the problem I am trying to address?** - Adding storage/encryption pkg that wraps a `storage.Backend` to encrypt and decrypt data. - Adding a `StorageEncryptionKey` config option to set...

### Summary This could be my misunderstanding of how the `--docker-host` flag should be used, so let me know if the error is on my end. I've been using the...


I'm trying to add a simple variation of small-caps to a `Title` component. I don't think this is possible today unless Tremor components pass through the `styles` or `className` props....


A simple repro case: ``` # Taskfile.yml version: "3" includes: scary: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/go-task/task/main/docs/Taskfile.yml ``` Pull the latest version of task: ``` $ go install github.com/go-task/task/v3/cmd/task@latest ``` Run the following ``` ❯...

type: bug
area: remote

When including a remote taskfile the autocomplete hangs. I can't publish my taskfile because of company policy, but my setup is including a single remote ~650 line taskfile with 5...

type: performance
area: remote

My company is working on moving over to taskfiles for 200+ builds/apps/libraries. We rely on remote taskfiles to deduplicate build scripts. We’d like to execute logic based on whether or...

type: feature
area: remote

- Task version: `Task version: v3.30.1 (h1:HdfCTAJDHoWL3+3RyY+o+0IK1O5xQaSBrZIq2SKOQ84=)` - Operating system: `macOS: Apple M1 Max` - Experiments enabled: should be N/A (but I do have `TASK_X_REMOTE_TASKFILES=1`) ### Problem [The documentation on...

state: needs triage

### Description Zen fails to start when using a paloalto's GlobalProtext proxy (the proxy used by my work). Logs from the macOS console app (the link to how to include...


The `sql/driver.Pinger` interface is an optional interface to implement. For drivers that do implement the interface, the `Conn` type needs to try to call through.