Wil Thomason

Results 35 issues of Wil Thomason

This might be related to #8, but, as the below screenshots show, I'm seeing an odd subset of symbols missing in FVim vs. terminal Neovim. Here's FVIM: ![fvim](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3729908/70743501-e1d6d080-1ced-11ea-8595-70f949a90e5b.png) And here's...


Per discussion on Gitter, it would be cool if `telescope` supported an easy way to combine sources/pickers and merge the results in a common display for filtering. e.g. doing something...

Feature Request

### Discussed in https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim/discussions/516 Originally posted by **Hubro** July 28, 2021 I have a Macbook and a Linux desktop PC. This is my nvim config: https://github.com/Hubro/neovim-config The config directory is...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I have noticed that Maple's scoring function doesn't always order results as I would like. **Describe the solution you'd like**...


- OS: Arch Linux - Vim: Neovim 0.3.1 If you think it's a bug, please provide a minimal vimrc to reproduce: - N/A ### Problem Description First off, thank you...

PR welcome

Apologies for modifying the issue template, and also if this isn't a suitable question for an issue. Since integrity violation detection shipped in 0.10, I've started seeing frequent integrity violation...

As the title mentions, the native LSP configuration needs to set `refresh=1` when calling `ncm2#complete`, here: https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2/blob/6596df4631ee1ee17351a78f382d4efd0b82c05e/lua/ncm2/init.lua#L7 This is because some LSP servers (e.g. https://texlab.netlify.com/) refresh possible completions on every...


It would be useful to be able to customize the labels used for the `kind` field in completion items. This is possible to a limited extent with the `substitute` filter,...

Some matcher patterns from LSP servers (e.g. https://texlab.netlify.com/) end with `\`. A trailing unescaped `\` in a pattern causes an error with Python's regex matcher. This patch checks if a...

Is there a way for embedders to get a callback on `new_thread` or `new_work`? This would be useful for for e.g. modifying `_G` in the thread's `lua_State`. It seems as...
