Greg Blumberg
Greg Blumberg
**Are you submitting to Github Issues about SHARPpy problems or suggestions?** The best way is to include as much detail as you can about your issue so we don't have...
A TypeError appears when launching the v1.4.0b1 GUI from the macOS command line. I'm opening this issue in until the beta is updated so others can fix their SHARPpy installation....
Saw evidence of a questionable precip type output from SHARPpy (on Pivotal Weather) where the low levels had a huge warm layer and yet the output precip type was Snow....
So, this issue is mainly a TODO list for myself and to announce some of the future plans for upgrading SHARPpy's parcel lifting routines. One of the key things that...
When Patrick began writing different functions, each of them accepted a Profile object argument, but also had keyword arguments optionally passed to the function that could be used for...