In bugfix branch of marlin software serial has been implemented. And is also recommended by the marlin guys. By using software serial you remove the traffic over the hardware serial...
I was going to do the same thing but octoprint can no longer connect reliably with the mks screen attached and the lcd. So I scrapped the touch screen for...
If you are still using hardware serial then you are flooding the serial line with information. I’ve found that most of the x any y skipping I’m having has been...
Also I had this issue with the overtemp warning at first as well. What ended up fixing that was to make my wiring harness so that each serial line went...
is that correct though? every where its referenced that tmc2130 is connecting in spi mode. 2208's use a uart connection.
Double check your configuration file. You might have I commented or accidentally deleted something. Try comparing your files to an example for a similar machine and make sure nothing is...
images of the changes ive made to my step sticks to try to ensure better cooling. Ive added heatsinks directly to the chip on the bottom an bent the spi...
And with everything put back together. I may clip those stack headers down in the future. Currently Ive re-enabled stepper interpolation and am running my current at 650 650 650...
Definitely take your steppers out of series. Look at my recently posted pictures. If you don’t have plenty of cooling on your step sticks you will start to lose steps....
I had my first successful print with stealthchop and interpolated stepping. Still some fine tuning to do on my slicer side of things but I printed for 5 hours straight...