Will Baldoumas

Results 7 comments of Will Baldoumas

> You can use version 3.0.1 of this fork https://github.com/alirezanet/publish-nuget which among others includes a fix for this issue There are a mountain of forks for this action. It would...

Just adding here that I am also running into this issue and the discussed workarounds aren't something I'd like to put in place. Is the best course of action to...

I am also experiencing this same issue on Windows builds. This appears to be happening on Windows 10 in addition to Windows 11 (as reported by @jcmontoya).

One note is that if you remove `scroll-behavior:smooth` from `bootstrap.min.css`, this behavior with the scrollbar grip and scrollbar track not resetting/disappearing when navigating from taller pages to shorter pages after...

@javiercn hey, thanks for the quick response! > Does this reproduce in other browsers? This doesn't reproduce in other browsers like Edge, or Chrome. I don't have access to an...

+1 to this one. Implementing overloads of methods like `GetJsonAsync` and `PostJsonAsync` which take in `JsonTypeInfo` or `JsonSerializerContext` as parameters will really help folks wanting to leverage source generators for...

Any updates on this issue? We ran into this exact problem on my team yesterday and it bit us pretty hard. We're using `v1.1.0`.