It would be great if there was a smooth fade between tracks I suppose it would have to cache tracks when you start to play the album so it can...
I should have explained this better I mean like a cross fade option so the songs fade together smoothly
how do I get the command with pip ? iMac-computer:.homeassistant wayne$ python sonoffdebug.py /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python: can't open file 'sonoffdebug.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory iMac-computer:.homeassistant wayne$
No I’ve installed the component i downloaded into my home assistant unzipped it and put in the components directory and restarted home assistant but not sure what to do next...
I have it working now thank you :)
Will this work direct from the repo soon ?
So if I install the plug-in then locate the directory and replace the dll with the above attached dll and change the text in the json file with the same...
They use this feature on a few open source apps ie play sub and avsub and it works well they are open source and may help
Is this issue fixed on [10.8.9-1]
Ah thats a shame is there a way to add the library or a fix you think as i want to use this Do you not get the images changing...