
Results 116 comments of wayne@bluewind

@ahopp You are [correct](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/7.x/release-notes-7.6.0.html). It looks KQL supports nested queries right now. If you add a simple nested object like this : ``` PUT document/_doc/3 { "created_at": "2015-01-24", "object_content": [...

Also quick feedback for anyone starting to contribute : 1- I thought of using docker for opensearch and git clone only dashboard, but the docker-compose.yml [here](https://hub.docker.com/r/opensearchproject/opensearch) has SSL implemented so...

@ppadovani I am glad to see you here ! Thanks for your work on KNQL. I never got to use it, because our ES version is 7.7, but I read...

I just installed Elasticsearch and Kibana 6.4.3, ran (edit : I meant 6.4.2) ```bin/kibana-plugin install https://github.com/ppadovani/KibanaNestedSupportPlugin/releases/download/6.4.2-1.0.2/nested-fields-support-6.4.2-1.0.0.zip``` And it looks like I can't enable the plugin. ![Screen Shot 2021-07-24 at 10...

@ppadovani Haha ! Well I am not going to refuse some help, particularly because you probably know this problem better than me! But I also think you've already given a...

Thanks ! By the way I replaced this install command `bin/kibana-plugin install https://github.com/ppadovani/KibanaNestedSupportPlugin/releases/download/6.4.2-1.0.2/nested-fields-support-6.4.2-1.0.0.zip ` By this : ` kibana-6.4.2-darwin-x86_64/bin/kibana-plugin install https://github.com/ppadovani/KibanaNestedSupportPlugin/releases/download/6.4.2-1.0.2/nested-fields-support-6.4.2-1.0.2.zip ` But still nothing. Looking at 6.4.1 Edit :...

tldr; - Opensearch dashboard doesn't even recognize include_in_root in visualizations anymore. Somehow it got removed between 6.4.2 and 7.10.2 - as @ppadovani said, the first step is to change the...

Good luck with all these changes @ppadovani Don't hesitate to push even a PR where the plugin is setup and it does a simple hello world. because I am not...

Thanks for this information. That's great news, we have less work to do. I first added the nested fields to the visualizations in a [PR against the forked project](https://github.com/MerwaneHAMADI/OpenSearch-Dashboards/pull/1/files), because...

@ppadovani It's not so obvious how to integrate the code to the toDSL method. For now I am going to create from scratch just to understand a little better how...