David White

Results 10 comments of David White

Hi. Thanks for doing this library, it's very helpful. Will images and description be support for Events soon? Thanks.

Blocky UI elements would at least be a usable milestone on the path to HiDPI perfection. Is QT5 on the development roadmap? HiDPI looks set to get more common on...

Thanks, @thijz, good news! I'll try to find time to take a look, I've an XPS15 with 240dpi so it should give a decent test.

A huge improvement, thank you. The UI is very usable Graphics which are obviously fuzzy (in the order I noticed them): * text for patterns (Pattern 1, Pattern 2, etc)...

Oh, and it needs a hires icon application. That looks awful on Ubuntu.

Here's a screenshot. ![screenshot from 2017-01-04 18-50-25](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2602241/21654762/e8a62906-d2ae-11e6-93fe-779d9403da59.png) I had Hydrogen installed before but I can't find a hydrogen xpm file. I tried `find /usr/share -name \*hydrogen\*xpm`

Nothing there by that name, I tried `find /usr/share -name h2\*xpm`

Hi @mikotoiii . No result on that either. The icon looks _very_ lores, probably 16x16? ![lores icon](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2602241/21656801/7abb2078-d2b7-11e6-9f46-4281170c491e.png)

This sounds like what I was seeing. I was running the application from the source and there were no Hydrogen resources in `/usr/share` and no `.desktop` file. It makes sense...

The same problem occurs when indenting a block of code: the editor will always use spaces.