Wallace Wang
Wallace Wang
Hi Wei, Thanks much for your quick reply, and looks great for your tips. For output only unique key entries, I mean the '-u' flag for Unix `uniq`, the expected...
Same issue, Hyper 3.0.2.
Dear developers, Run into the same problem. How we deal with it seems tricky. if we filtering by P value, which is related to sample size, nowaday, UKB bank-level data...
Dear Patrick, Thank you very much for your reply. We are able to make it run if we only use common variants, as we have more rare variants, it will...
Following on this thread. If developers can support output the adjusted beta, that would be the best. We can score by plink for support new file format or even dosage...
> lassosum and plink are not doing the same thing so I don't understand why you would expect the same result from lassosum and plink. We don't expect the plink...
Will the lassosum take in the GWAS summary (univariate beta) and LD structure between snps to update the univariate beta to a new beta (adjusted beta) to control LD between...
@privefl, I observed the same thing a while ago as you did. Best regards Wallace
> I have a use case for this: we're using a python program at work which parametrically generates a bunch of shell scripts which collectively manage a system which can...
This is great, thank you very much for the support. Best regards Wallace