> Does the SAM example deployment no longer work? > (It should really be added to the test suite. I'd missed that it wasn't tested.) > > I don't understand...
Please correct me if my understanding of SAM is incorrect, does using ```CodeUri: .``` bundle everything in the current directory into the deployment? Is there a specific reason the Lambda...
> sam respects .npmignore, so those wouldn't be included in the deployment. That's good to know! Thanks.
> I've got it: > > ```makefile > build-HelloWorldFunction: > DENO_DIR=.deno_dir deno cache hello.ts > cp -R .deno_dir/gen/file$(CURDIR)/ .deno_dir/LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT > ``` Is this indentation purposeful, since I see you've used...
Weird, I'm using VSCodium and it did not complain. Even weirder my build succeeded: ``` Building function 'HelloWorldFunction' Running CustomMakeBuilder:CopySource Running CustomMakeBuilder:MakeBuild Current Artifacts Directory : ~/deno-lambda/example-sam/.aws-sam/build/HelloWorldFunction Build Succeeded Built...
> and still `sam local invoke` doesn't work: > > ``` > {"errorType":"exitError", > "errorMessage":"RequestId: 981552a1-0545-12ff-bcf5-8ecb4bf88539 > Error: Couldn't find valid bootstrap(s): [/var/task/bootstrap /opt/bootstrap]"} > ``` > > strange. Are...
@hayd yeah they are handy! I was a little hesitant to have someone else's lambda layer executing possibly sensitive API requests. However, this is so far in dev that it's...
> I think it actually may be this issue [awslabs/aws-sam-cli#1489](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sam-cli/issues/1489) > > Since the lambda layer is referenced by an SAR application. That would be annoying. I am loath to...
The first problem was solved by just referencing the AWS lambda layer ARN as an input parameter. Until I can figure out how better to do this I'm going to...
@hayd I was able to get this working in a [repo](https://github.com/09wattry/deno-lambda-runtime) I made. I didn't want to throw up changes to the pull request that you didn't agree with. Let...