Weijia Jiang

Results 8 issues of Weijia Jiang

As we know, 8086CPU has 14 registers, but 8086-emulator-web lacks both of CS and IP. I want to verify this theory that `jmp ax:bx` semantically equivalent to execute `mov cs,ax`...

mmap 机制可以很大程度上简化磁盘文件操作,通过一定的封装,磁盘上的文件读写操作可以简化为内存的读写操作。 **(1)直接读写内存-简洁明了** 简单地读写内存非常简单,例如下面向数组的第三个元素进行赋值: ```go a := make([]int, 10) a[0] = 511 ``` 内存中字段的读写操作相当自然,你甚至可能没有注意到在写内存这件事情。 **(2)读写磁盘文件-步骤复杂** 但是读写磁盘上的文件就相对复杂很多了,例如我们要在磁盘上读写的文件内容如下: ``` Hello World! This project is for learning mmap. ``` 如果我们要读取文件开始 6 个偏移量后的 5...


Please see it in this reference: https://github.com/tidwall/bfile/blob/master/bfile.go#L212

## Describe the bug - Based on the current implementation, we can find that Lru is encapsulated in `RwLock`. Please see https://github.com/cloudflare/pingora/blob/845c30d0825e7faf5e13ea88a9cc4949082bf00c/pingora-pool/src/lru.rs#L42-L50 - There may be the following behaviors: -...


It provides a smooth round robin algorighm which is identical in behavior to [nginx smooth weighted round-robin balancing](https://github.com/nginx/nginx/commit/52327e0627f49dbda1e8db695e63a4b0af4448b1).


## What is the problem your feature solves, or the need it fulfills? The current weighted round-robin balancing algorithm does not ensure smoothness, which can result in requests being distributed...


## Motivation As part of addressing https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio/issues/6504, this PR attempts to implement a shard approach to improve `timeout` and `sleep` performance in specific scenarios. When high concurrency, a large number...


The time of warn threshlod may be configurable and colorable.