thank you, but mode "cool"/"heat"/"dry" is shown correctly, I found the problem is caused by “Off” and “off”, in MQTT topic,the mode is "Off" which the fisrt letter is uppercase“O”,...
I have solved another similar problem, in MQTT topic,the fan_modes is "Auto" which the fisrt letter is uppercase“A”, in configuration.yaml,the mode is “auto” which the first letter is owercase "a"....
I am also having the same issue, is there a fix for this? Thanks!
I have solved the problem with a clumsy method;In the HA configuration.yaml,add “mode_state_template:” ` mode_state_template: '{{ {"Off": "off", "off": "off", "auto": "auto", "cool": "cool", "heat": "heat", "dry": "dry", "fan_only": "fan_only"}[value]...