Walid Hanafy
Walid Hanafy
``` 1-gdb-set target-async on 2-environment-directory "/home/user/minix" 3-target-select remote localhost:1234 GDB -> App: {"outOfBandRecord":[{"isStream":false,"type":"notify","asyncClass":"thread-group-added","output":[["id","i1"]]}]} GDB -> App: {"token":1,"outOfBandRecord":[],"resultRecords":{"resultClass":"done","results":[]}} GDB -> App: {"token":2,"outOfBandRecord":[],"resultRecords":{"resultClass":"done","results":[["source-path","/home/user/minix:$cdir:$cwd"]]}} GDB -> App: {"outOfBandRecord":[{"isStream":false,"type":"notify","asyncClass":"thread-group-started","output":[["id","i1"],["pid","42000"]]}]} GDB -> App: {"outOfBandRecord":[{"isStream":true,"type":"log","content":"warning: No...
I am debugging the kernel, The Minix kernel.
gdb is working, I have tried it and debugged the kernel, I just felt that vs and your extension would give me a better experience. I am also available for...
#qemu-system-x86_64 -s -net user,hostfwd=tcp::10022-:22 -net nic -m 2048 -hda minix_x86.img #gdb $ target remote 1234 $ file ../obj.i386/minix/kernel/kernel then I normally debug it.
I have the same issue on .net core v 2.0 with asp.net running under service fabric
I am facing the same issue, @905799575 were you able to overcome it?
Never mind, I found that the nv_peer_mem service was disabled. Make sure to install the nv_peer_mem and that it is running by checking `service nv_peer_mem status`