That looks like a 3.5 issue and not a MultiCoreTSNE issue. I was able to install with 3.5 base.
I was looking for this feature as well. I use the solr-operator in k8s and have a lot of solr instances and right now I have to have a Spark...
Just applied a fix for this in #272
Just came here to post this issue. I'm on AKS. Workaround was downgrading the `kubernetes_asyncio` after dask is installed. `pip install kubernetes_asyncio==21.7.0` I have tons of examples. this was the...
> Could you try `kubernetes_asyncio==22.6.1`. They have made a few fixes upstream. I'll do it when I get to work this AM. - [x] Test kubernetes_asyncio==22.6.1 # UPDATE: I confirmed...
> I've written a bash script to generate Tailscale SSL certificates and configure them as the default certificate for your Synology. > > sudo ./ > > ``` > #!/bin/bash...
I tried pydantic 2.4.2 with langchain 0.0.334 and the issue still persists. Think langchain dependencies might want to reflect some upper limit on pydantic for now. Any pydantic 2.x.x version...
I ran into this as well, and I think tailscale should handle the case where the secret for the state is created empty perhaps a check before it tries to...
So "user" created covers a lot of use cases. We use terraform to create the state secret, not for RBAC, but because it encapsulates the secret resource. When we no...
You need the a `-` in from of version and then it should work. ``` input: - version: '2.99' large_disk: false .... roles: - role: ansible-role-seaweedfs ```