Vasilij Schneidermann

Results 56 issues of Vasilij Schneidermann

With `eval-last-sexp` you can evaluate the last expression even if you put your cursor on the whitespace after the outer form, `macrostep-expand` however fails with `Scan error: "Unbalanced parentheses"`. Would...

``` elisp (defmacro my-bad () `(1+ ,(/ 1 0))) (my-bad) ``` Using `macrostep-expand` on the last form results in an arithmetic error. I'm not sure whether that's intended behaviour, but...

I'm currently writing my custom hello world example which consists of a frame with two buttons, one of which quits the program and the other one displaying a (modal) message...


Currently there are mouse down and mouse up handlers for handling click events. Neither are ideal for implementing buttons that can be clicked as the actual behavior (as can be...

![]( Note the discontinuous line and rectangle rendering. This does curiously not happen with the other themes.

`:help tabpage` in Vim reveals a good amount of tab-related Ex commands which could be implemented as (unbound?) commands and bound to Evil's Ex commands if it's enabled. - [...

Now that window configurations are no longer bound to frames, a new set of possibilities opens up. There is no more need for storing them in frame-local variables. Asides from...

A longer introduction would be better, ideally with GIFcasts.

If one does `(setq cider-repl-prompt-function (lambda (ns) (format "\f\n%s> " ns)))` and enable form-feed, there is no wide line before the prompt. Reported by lostcoffee on `#emacs`.

The script is great at filtering out unnecessary join/quit messages, but they don't show up in the logs. This makes it difficult to tell when someone quit. Is there a...