Allen Zhang
Allen Zhang
> You can try to use, netty-socketio, 1.7.18, older version maybe has bug Using version 1.7.19, the log prints `SocketIO server stopped`,but the port have not been freed
> I have the same problem,When the client is disconnected,client leave the room automatically,so when client reconnection,bring the client back into the room. I using the version 1.7.18 老铁,咨询一下你们用这个项目做socket多久了?我最近接手的前任留的代码,也是这玩意,我咋感觉到处漏风~
> in my case,when backend services in debug mode(breakpoint),the socket will be disconnected and automatically connected soon. Hello, your situation I think is your debug time >30s, make the Websocket...