ArduinoDroid spits out "undefined reference for 'u8g2_[...]' and I can't compile with this library so I'm forced to use Adafruit SH110X, even if I like U8g2 much more. U8g2 uses...
hi, I have an Logitech Y-SAE71 SK-2930 PS/2 keyboard, and it has an F-mode (that is basically help, word, excel, powerpoint and some other 2000s stuff) and additional buttons (that...
Apparently, the System.Net library is really common in Trojans. Thus, publishing my launcher causes all the people to get the 'Threats found' notification and can not run it. Also, what...
addressables do not work after building with this tool so languages don't work too
# Unity 2021.3.35f1 Console ``` [Frame Rate Booster] Couldn't locate recursively the assembly containing the optimizations FrameRateBooster.Optimizations.dll in the build folder C:\Users\pje\Unity\game\Builds\StandaloneWindows\game 1.0 UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object) ToolBuddy.FrameRateBooster.Optimizer.Optimizer:GetUniqueTargetAssembly (string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,string,string,string&) (at Assets/Plugins/ToolBuddy/Assets/FrameRateBooster/Optimizer/Editor/Optimizer.cs:150) ToolBuddy.FrameRateBooster.Optimizer.Optimizer:OptimizeBuild...