Tom Warner
Tom Warner
Hi, I'm using Kilosort with probes for which we don't have a channelmap. I was under the impression that Kilosort doesn't need an accurate channel map, and the channel map...
Hi, I've been trying to install mountainsort for the last few days and I keep having issues post installation when I try testing it. I've followed the conda installation instructions...
Hi, I understand that by construction the model will remove the first and last n frames from a tif. However, I have trial data within a few frames of the...
Hi, I've been using OMETIFF with Images to read in some ome.tiff files. I initially had been using v0.3.5 which was correctly reading my files in. However, I recently updated...
Hi, I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find anyone else who has mentioned this. Is it possible to put images or outputs of...