William Zhang
William Zhang
Your environment is IPv6 single stack or dualstack (IPv6+IPv4)?
The upstream k/k community is still working on IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack support, and the current release only supports single stack.
The [kubernetes docs](https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/container-runtimes/#docker) just show an example, you can keep to user the cgroupfs driver in docker. The k3s agent/kubelet is hard code the cgroupfs type now: https://github.com/rancher/k3s/blob/8a9c8675c2a16591e13a655617acdb1e75d3962b/pkg/daemons/agent/agent.go#L65
You need to make customized changes for the K3S project. There are some example for redhat openshift (ocp-3.11 or ocp-3.10) in the "https://github.com/aquasecurity/kube-bench/tree/master/cfg" folder. FYI: https://github.com/aquasecurity/kube-bench/blob/master/docs/README.md#configuration-and-variables
/remove-lifecycle stale
/test pull-enhancements-verify
After check the script, I found the inconsistency between "/root/.oc/profiles/" and "/root/.kube/config": > [root@appab-myproject ~]# ll /root/.oc/profiles/ > total 0 > drwxr-xr-x. 7 root root 124 Jun 30 12:40 example...
Rerun the oc-cluster up in the above condition, can saw the following error: ``` [root@appab-myproject ~]# oc-cluster up workshop2 # Using client for origin v1.5.1 [INFO] Running a previously created...