
Results 12 issues of waquey

Hello, I'd like to freeze the graph and save them as pb Currently I've tried to dump the p-net and set "conv4_1/BiasAdd" and "conv4_2/BiasAdd" as output nodes and it can...

Hello, based on your tutorial step 10 "gen_RNet_tfrecords.py to generate tfrecords for RNet.(you should run this script four times to generate tfrecords of neg,pos,part and landmark respectively)", I've tried to...

Hello, I've tried to load model for face_yolo.pb However, it shows the following messages: ValueError: No op named IteratorFromStringHandle in defined operations. Could you please help comment it? Thanks

Is there any test code we can try to inference? After training, I've tried to assign placeholder and inference. However, it'll get the following errors: tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.FailedPreconditionError: Attempting to use uninitialized...

Thanks for the great work. As the tutorial described, the input and output are all of "int8" type. Is uint8 model supported or we should just convert into int8 instead?...

Excuse me, I cannot trace the exact definition of the following api which are related to op layermem["MAC"] = op.get_macs() layermem["activation"] = op.get_activation_size() layermem["scale"] = op.get_scale_size() layermem["runtime"] = op.get_sbuf_size() layermem["kernel"]...

Thanks for the great work! Currently I do not use ArduCam and I just want to test LCD After following steps described in the tutorial, I can compile without errors...

Hello, I've tried to reproduce the training process based on your description. Currently, I can generate P/R/O checkpoint respectively. However, could you please help explain how we can combine these...

Dear Author, Thanks for your great work. I've tried to replace the model with tflite example (person-detection) model. It can be deployed successfully. However, the elapsed time is not expected,...

Dear great author, Thanks for the fantastic work! I would like to ask a question. Assume that the controlled photo contains a man and a dog. Is it possible to...