Results 66 comments of Sergey

I made this and it looks that: ![Composer](http://xn--e1adiijbgl.xn--p1acf/badge/pnpunit/pnpunit) it's just a svg with variable width landing page for this http://xn--e1adiijbgl.xn--p1acf/en.html

Also it supports different sizes: - ![badge](http://xn--e1adiijbgl.xn--p1acf/badge/composer/composer/0) - ![badge](http://xn--e1adiijbgl.xn--p1acf/badge/composer/composer/1) - ![badge](http://xn--e1adiijbgl.xn--p1acf/badge/composer/composer/2)

Created new version [2.0.32](

Provide sample file

@Nispeon @greenreptile Fixed in 0.1.0: if does not work, increase `\wapmorgan\Mp3Info\Mp3Info::$framesCountRead` from **2** to **3** or **4**.

``` File name | dur. | bitrate | sample | song | artist | track | time sample-12s.mp3 | 0:12 | 128kbps | 44.1 | | | | 3.504753112793E-5 sample-3s.mp3... Supporting features: - id3v1 - id3v2.3.0, id3v2.4.0 - CBR, Variable Bit Rate (VBR)

@cebe the advantage is an eager loading of [parametrized relational data]( without anonymous callback. The scheme is following: ``` Table: users Table: users_poll_statuses ---------------- ----------------------------------- id --------------> user_id ... id...

Это два существительных, оно не поддерживается Просто "руководитель" склоняет, а вот такое - нет

@boyhagemann any updates on this?