
Results 12 comments of wanzixin

@dyc87112 博主能帮我解答下嘛

> 换了其他数据库的话,注意方言的设置 我方言的设置是这样 spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect,出现的问题和上面一样诶

@dyc87112 博主我找到问题所在了,在postgresql数据库中user是关键字,不能用来做数据库名,我改成其他的发现ok了

@ppoffice I did what you said, but I didn't succeed. What else should I pay attention to? This picture is my directory structure. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43515397/126106932-2a2ecc71-1e50-460b-85ae-87ede7a408a6.png)

@ppoffice I create a `test.md` in **_post**, then copy it to **_posts/zh-cn**. When I switch to simplified Chinese, the browser displays `Cannot GET /zh-cn/Diary/test/`. But I do have a `test.md`...

@ppoffice I change it as you said, but still get a mistake. After using the commands `hexo c`, `hexo g` and `hexo s`, I opened `localhost:4000` and switched to simplified...

@ppoffice I moved `.config.zh-cn.yml` file from the theme folder to the top folder. Now I can see some effects, but the menu bar still won't change the language. Is there...

@ifplusor This is the error printed by the terminal after I run the `build.sh` script. ``` libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I./compat -I./include -I./include -fPIC -I/Users/wanzixin/software/rocketmq-client-cpp/bin/include -fPIC **-I/Users/wanzixin/software/rocketmq-client-cpp/bin/include** -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing...

I downloaded **libevent 2.0.22**, **jsoncpp 0.10.7** and **boost 1.58.0** according to the README.md, and put them in the root directory. Then run the `build.sh` script. I checked the `build.sh` script...

@ifplusor I changed the version of **libevent** to **2.1.11**, and found that there was no longer the above problem, but I went back to the original problem. Here is the...