
Results 12 comments of wangzhe0623

@liulei01 Thanks for reply~ openmp only involved in rbox_util.cpp? I will try that!

@xncaffe check out all codes, remove openmp parts~

@chl916185 我没有用SelectRotatedTarget.m自己做过哦,我改过labelImg的代码,增加旋转矩形框功能,后来发现增加角度对我用处不大,就没再搞了。

@xncaffe 代码里面调用了openmp,你把它关了就可以了,就是把相关调用的代码注释掉,不加这个并行化一样可以用。

@wangzhe0623 兄弟,overlapRatio是ground truth和预测框的IOU;threshold是置信度阈值,prec和rec就是在这个阈值下计算的。

@kkwong95 You can check 'sample' folder for reference

@kkwong95 Classes' name must be integer, like "0, 1, 2, 3", and it should be counted from "1".

@dreamhighchina xyxy,具体你看看代码吧。

@cty-xiaobai 估计是你类别没整对