Yancey Wang
Yancey Wang
For English speaking user: https://github.com/wangyu-/UDPspeeder/wiki/Issue-Guide 中文用户请看: https://github.com/wangyu-/UDPspeeder/wiki/发Issue前请看 (否则Issue可能被忽略,或被直接关掉)
Hi, thanks for the amazing tool. After several tests, I found it requires public IP for both client and server, otherwise the packet loss will be always 100%. I have...
I believe this is a typo since: 1. this line make the above line a no-op 2. in the [js code](https://github.com/hackwaly/jswqx/blob/16979c1f37b1ceec35c32ca0d27c751c1d5f7162/src/wqx.js#L141C1-L148C7) it's: ``` Wqx.prototype.initRom = function (){ this.rom = new...
你好,我最近在做文曲星nc2000的支持。 想请问谁是这个repo中nc1020.cpp的原作者,谢谢 请问你是nc1020.cpp的原作者吗? 这两个repo在相差不多的时间(2个月以内)都包含了nc1020.cpp: https://github.com/hackwaly/NC1020 https://github.com/rainyx/NC1020 我问了 @rainyx 他说他只是ios代码的作者,不是nc1020.cpp的作者。 请问你是android代码+nc1020.cpp的作者,还是只是android代码的作者呢?