What's the vela's version?
ResourceTracker's owner cannot be application. Because resourceTracker is cluster scope, app is namespace namespace scope. Namespace scope resource own cluster scope CRD is disallowed [ref](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/owners-dependents/). And KubeVela has support managing...
I think you can get latest resourceTracker from `app.status.resourceTracker`. And this resourceTracker is resource's owenrReference.
@FelixStarship 看了一下这个项目 https://github.com/k3s-io/helm-controller, 其实你完全可以把这个制作成一个 Addon 集成进 kubevela,只需要定义一个 helm 的 component definition ,在定义app 使用这个类型的 component ,就可以免除依赖fluxcd或者argocd的addon。至于解除其他的 addon 对于 fluxcd 的依赖,我们可以在 addon 的 dependency 机制里,引入依赖某个definition的选项。
As for fluxcd addon, I propose a feature of dynamic enable a part of addon by parameter.For example `vela addon enable fluxcd onlyHelm=true` would only enable helm controller and source...
Have submited a proposal https://github.com/kubevela/kubevela/issues/3822 to reduce the number of components of fluxcd addon by dynamic ignore parts of files by parameter. Please give some advice @StevenLeiZhang @cezhang
Since the `v1.1.13 ` is too stale, can you reproduce this bug in latest version?
In fact, if you just want to update crd when upgrade helm chart, you can move the CRD from dir `crds` to dir `templates`. In this way helm will treat...
In vela 1.4+ addon will apply the application(contain CRD) firstly, then apply X-definitions.So the bug has been fixed. Closing.
I propose add "vela addon create create" subcommand in cli for user to generate a addon scaffold base a helm chart's url eg: run `vela addon create mongodb --helm-repo-url=https://marketplace.azurecr.io/helm/v1/repo --helm-chart=mongodb...