Weijun Wang
Weijun Wang
@macarte, can you take a look at this fix? Thanks.
Also, when a keystore is read-only. What happens when one tries to write into it? Ideally a `KeyStoreException` should be thrown with a clear and precise message.
Oh, I re-read the bug report. It looks like a `KeyStoreException` was thrown. That's good.
For "this is a feature request", I think Mat means the type of this JBS issue should be an "Enhancement" instead of a "Bug".
@macarte If you find the change ok, you can always add yourself as a reviewer even if the OpenJDK bot might not count you as a *R*eviewer.
A CSR is needed if there will be a spec or doc change, and I don't see we need it anywhere. It is also needed if there is a non-trivial...
I'm trying out this on my Windows Server 2016 box as a domain user. The command prompt window always has "Administrator:" in its title. What can I do?
I finally found a toy Windows 11 Home Edition machine and this code change works. The original `AllTypes.java` test also passed after I removed the `detectIfRunningWithAdminPrivileges` check. However, I see...
I also noticed a different problem. No matter if privileged or unprivileged, `keytool -genkeypair -storetype Windows-My-LOCALMACHINE` works successfully but the entries are actually created in Windows-MY-CURRENTUSER. This is unrelated to...
/issue add JDK-8322971