When I tried to create a svn repo after I input all the info and clicked the save button, the browser turned out as "http://ip:8080/reviews/admin/db/scmtools/repository/add/", and the result was :...
docker run -it --link rb-postgres:pg --link rb-memcached:memcached --volumes-from rb-data -p 8000:8000 ikatson/reviewboard [uWSGI] getting INI configuration from /uwsgi.ini [uwsgi-static] added mapping for /static => /var/www/reviewboard/htdocs/static [uwsgi-static] added mapping for /media...
when I try git svn clone command, I got this: Can't create session: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://ip/repo/project': Access to '/repo/project' forbidden at /mingw32/share/perl5/site_perl/Git/ line 310
I can use "localhost:8081" to acess the codebrag successfully, but can not access from other pc in the intranet by "ipaddress:8081", i don't know what's wrong. Btw, How to use...
I run git svn clone https://xxx/xxx/projectname projectname and I get this result: Using existing [svn-remote "svn"] svn-remote.svn.fetch already set to track :refs/remotes/git-svn I tried git svn fetch but still failed:...